Continue your membership and support of the Fetal Heart Society (FHS). The Fetal Heart Society is proud to have a rapidly-growing and diverse membership, all committed to our shared goal of improving the clinical care and science of fetal cardiovascular medicine. Renew today to remain apart of our valued membership.
Fetal Heart Society offers 4 different types of membership. 2 individual membership types and 2 institutional/organizational membership/sponsorship types. Take a look at the breakdown of each.
Renew your Individual Membership
Renew your Institutional Gold Sponsorship
Renew your Institutional Platinum Sponsorship
Fetal Heart Society Individual Membership Levels
Individual Active Membership:
- $200 per year membership rate
- Access to all of the Fetal Heart Society content,
- Ability to participate in studies,
- Ability to propose new projects as PI
- Ability to vote
Individual Affiliate Membership:
- $50 per year membership rate
- Access to all of the Fetal Heart Society content,
- Ability to participate in studies
Fetal Heart Society Institutional Sponsorship Levels
Gold Institutional Sponsorship:
- Donation of $5,000 per year
- includes waiver of individual membership fees for up to 5 qualified active and,
- 5 affiliate members at your institution for each year of sponsorship
Platinum Institutional Sponsorship:
- Donation of $7,500 per year
- includes waiver of individual membership fees for an unlimited number of qualified active and,
- affiliate members at your institution for each year of sponsorship
Additional Benefits of Institutional Sponsorship:
- Recognition of your institution by name and logo on the Fetal Heart Society website Sponsorship page, which links back to the institutional webpage you specify
- Recognition of Institutional Sponsorship on electronic and print communications of the Fetal Heart Society, and acknowledgement in abstract presentations and publications for each year of sponsorship
- Realization that your support will allow the Fetal Heart Society to achieve its goal of improved care for fetuses with cardiovascular disease through multi-center collaboration across subspecialties and disciplines