1 - PA-IVS
2 Mitral Regurgitation
3 - Impact of socioeconomic and geographic factors on diagnosis of HLHS and dTGA
4 - Risk stratification in twin-twin transfusion syndrome: the importance of mitral regurgitation
5 - Fetal anatomy and physiology and associations with fetal and perinatal outcomes in DTGA with intact ventricular septum
6 - Fetal Echocardiographic Z-Score Project: Feasibility Study
7- Pre and postnatal outcome following fetal diagnosis of congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries and impact of associated lesions on outcome
8 - Computational analysis of fetal echocardiogram (“AI”)
9 - Fetal Hemodynamics in Coarctation of Aorta by Fetal Echocardiography and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
10 - Normal Fetal Strain Values – Ancillary study to z-score project
11 - Perinatal Outcomes of Prenatally Diagnosed Truncus Arteriosus
12 - Outcomes Following Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Rhabdomyomas
13 - Regional fluctuations in prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease during the first year of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
14 - Multicenter study of Genetic testing, Findings, and Differential Outcomes among newborns with HLHS-Ancillary study to SES project
15 - Risk Factors for Mortality in Prenatally Diagnosed Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve-Ancillary study to TOF-APV project
16 - Fetal Cardiomyopathy Multi-Center Retrospective Registry
17 - Perinatal outcomes of prenatally diagnosed isolated coronary artery fistula
18 - Fetal cardiac neonatal lupus in mothers with and without known anti-Ro/SSA autoantibodies
Sign up to present your project here.
We are implementing quarterly RCC Team Working Group Meetings to ensure your team is communicating with each other and checking in with the RCC. Each RCC Project listed below must sign up to attend once per quarter.
There will be 1 meeting per month with up to 6 projects at each meeting. Each project will have 15 minutes to use however the authors like (e.g., give a short update to your team or work through a hurdle together). If you find that 15 minutes is too short, please schedule additional time to meet with your working group outside of these quarterly meetings.
This sign-up will cover 2024, meaning each project must sign up 3 times (once per quarter). Please review the available date/time slots and click here to sign up.