December 2021 | co-hosted by Fetal Heart Society and American Society of Echocardiography (ASE)
The Achilles’ Heel of Fetal Echocardiography: Predicting Postnatal Physiology in Fetal Coarctation and the Borderline Left Heart
Description: The webinar begins with a case presentation of fetal and neonatal COA with borderline small left heart, after which there are three presentations: “Challenges in Predicting Postnatal Outcomes of Fetal Coarctation of Aorta”, “Role of Hyperoxia Testing in the Evaluation of Arch Obstruction and the Borderline Left Heart”, and “Postnatal Imaging of the Hypoplastic Aortic Arch to Guide Surgical Intervention”, followed by a panel discussion.
October 2021
Crack this Conundrum! Part II: Challenging Cases in Fetal Echocardiography
Description: We present several challenging fetal echo cases and their outcomes. Each case is followed by a brief panel discussion by experts in the field of Fetal Echocardiography, providing perspective and teaching pearls on how to optimize our approach in all aspects with challenging cases.
September 2021
Improving Family Communication and Support – Approaches to Fetal Counseling and Trauma Informed Care in CHD (endorsed by the Congenital Heart Academy)
Description: Our discussion centers on improving interpersonal communication and support for families given a prenatal diagnosis of CHD. Dr. Theresa Tacy from Stanford Children’s Health speaks on the “Approaches to Prenatal Counseling in Congenital Heart Disease”. Dr. Erica Sood from Nemours Children’s Health presents on “Trauma Informed Care for Families Prenatally Diagnosed with CHD.” Dr. Nadine Kasparian from Lucile Cincinnati Children’s Center for Heart Disease, Lisa Vargas, RDCS, FASE from Rady Children’s Hospital, and Dr. Rebecca Delaney from University of Utah join for a panel discussion.
August 2021
The Future is Now: Improving Prenatal CHD Detection with Artificial Intelligence (endorsed by the Congenital Heart Academy)
Description: We hold an enlightening discussion on applying innovative technology to overcome barriers of prenatal detection. Dr. Alfred Abuhamad from Eastern Virginia Medical School speaks on the “Challenges of Prenatal Detection of Congenital Heart Disease”. Heralding from University of California San Francisco, Dr. Anita Moon-Grady presents “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence” and Dr. Rima Arnaout concludes presentation of her work on “How Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Prenatal Detection of CHD”. Dr. Charitha Doodipala Reddy from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital joins us for a panel discussion.
July 2021
Crack this conundrum! Challenging Cases in Fetal Echocardiography
Description: We present several challenging fetal echo cases and their outcomes. Each case is followed by a brief panel discussion by experts in the field of Fetal Echocardiography, providing perspective and teaching pearls on how to optimize our approach in all aspects with challenging cases.
June 2021
An Integrative Review of Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve (endorsed by the Congenital Heart Academy)
Description: Erika Santiago, a pediatric cardiac sonographer from UCSF Benioff, gives a brief overview of fetal echo findings and reviews fetal images typical of TOF/APV (for learners unfamiliar with this diagnosis). Anjali Chelliah, a pediatric cardiologist at Columbia University Medical Center and Morristown Medical Center, presents prenatal findings and outcomes reported in a multicenter study titled “Contemporary Outcomes in Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve after Fetal Diagnosis”. Bettsy Leech, genetic counselor and previous coordinator of The 22Q Center at Cincinnati Children’s, discusses the impact 22q11.2 deletion syndrome has on patients and their families throughout the lifespan. Julie Déry, a radiologist from Sainte-Justine’s Hospital Montreal, shares insights from her experience and findings from a 2017 paper titled “Significance of lung anomalies in fetuses affected by tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome”. They are joined by doctors Mary Donofrio from Children’s National Medical Center, Shiraz Maskatia from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and Jay Pruetz from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for a panel discussion.
May 2021
Advanced Modalities for Assessing Fetal Arrhythmias (endorsed by the Congenital Heart Academy)
Click here for the post-webinar Q&A
Description: Dr. Bettina Cuneo from Children’s Hospital Colorado speaks on Home Heart Rate Monitoring for Early Intervention in Evolving Fetal Heart Block. Dr. Anita Krishnan from Children’s National presents on Fetal ECG and Dr. Janette Strasburger discusses Fetal Magnetocardiography. They are joined by Dr. Joshua Copel from Yale Medicine, Dr. Lisa Hornberger from Stollery Children’s, and Dr. Jay Pruetz from CHLA for a panel discussion that includes perspectives from leaders in the fields of MFM and fetal cardiology. You won’t want to miss this exciting webinar showcasing their cutting edge work on assessing fetal rhythm!
April 2021
Fetal D-TGA: In Utero Physiology, Postnatal Compromise, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes (endorsed by the Congenital Heart Academy)
Click here for the post-webinar Q&A
Description: David Schidlow from Boston Children’s Hospital speaks about Fetal D-TGA Physiology and Distribution of Blood Flow. Shabnam Peyvandi from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital presents on D-TGA Impact on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. They are joined by Mary Donofrio from Children’s National Medical Center, Bradley Marino from Cleveland Clinic, and Jacqueline Sanz from Children’s National Medical Center for a panel discussion bringing perspectives from leaders in the fields of fetal cardiology, cardiac intensive care, and neuropsychology. You won’t want to miss the dynamic interactive discussion on this important topic relevant to the care of our patients!
March 2021
Don’t Waste a Good Mistake: Learning from Cases of Errors in Fetal Echocardiography
We present several cases of a missed diagnosis and lessons learned. Each case is followed by a brief panel discussion by experts in the field of Fetal Echocardiography, providing perspective and teaching pearls. This promises to be an important discussion of ways to improve our imaging approach and avoid potential pitfalls.
February 2021
Prenatal Counseling for Cardiac Interventions in Trisomy 13 & 18: Ethical Dilemmas
Click here for the post-webinar Q&A
Description: Dr. Angira Patel, a pediatric cardiologist from Lurie Children’s and Director of the McGaw Bioethics Clinical Scholars Program, presents on the changing landscape in Trisomy 13 and 18 regarding interventions offered, approaches and ethical consideration of treatment decisions. We follow with a panel discussion featuring multiple experts including Dr. Roosevelt Bryant, cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. John Carey, pediatric geneticist and medical advisor for SOFT (Support Organization for Trisomy 18, 13, and Related Disorders), Dr. Rupali Gandhi, Director of Ethics at Advocate Kids, and Dr. Roxanne Kirsch, cardiac intensivist and bioethicist. This discussion is sure to be of broad interest to pediatric cardiologists, MFMs, neonatologists, nurses and nurse coordinators, palliative care providers, social work and genetic counselors.
January 2021
Fetal Evaluation and Intervention for High Output Heart Failure in the Setting of ‘Vein of Galen Malformation’
Click here for the post-webinar Q&A
Description: Dr. Kevin Friedman from Boston Children’s Hospital presents on the Evaluation of High Output Heart Failure in the Fetus. Dr. Darren Orbach, also from Boston Children’s Hospital, discusses Fetal Intervention for Vein of Galen Malformation. Dr. James Huhta and Dr. Anita Moon-Grady join the speakers and our panelists for a panel discussion on fetal heart failure and the impact of fetal intervention.